Job Description

    St Joseph's School, Pukekohe 
Performance Agreement 
Ursula Hall 
Purpose of Performance Agreement 
The purpose of this document is to assist in determining whether the professional standards and selected personal goals as agreed between the principal and the Board of Trustees (BOT) have been achieved. These goals are to be consistent with the school’s charter mission statement. 
School Mission Statement 
“Excellent education befitting our Catholic Character” 
 School Motto 
 “To God Our Best and Greatest” 

 Key Responsibilities 
 The key responsibilities will be expanded in the principal’s job description. 

 The principal and the appraiser will meet regularly to discuss progress made in meeting the PTC, professional standards and the identified goals in this performance agreement. The Board of Trustees chairperson or his/her nominee will be welcome to be present at, and participate in, all such meetings. 
At the end of the period for which the performance agreement applies, a report will be written and presented to the chairperson of the Board of Trustees. The principal will be provided with a copy.  

Term of Agreement 
The term of the agreement shall be for twelve months commencing January 2018 after which the agreement will be reviewed to take account of new goals as agreed between the Board of Trustees and the principal. 
 This performance agreement was made between: 

Chairperson: _______________________  Principal: ______________________ 
Board of Trustees 
Date: __________________ 
Ursula Hall 
Responsible to Board of Trustees 
Effective from May 2019 to April 2020 
  •  To demonstrate commitment to tangata whenua and bicultural partnership and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand 
  •  To use critical inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners. 
  •  To establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and well-being of each learner. 
  •  To create and maintain learning-focused environments which are collaborative, inclusive and safe 
  •  To design learning based on professional knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, need, identity, language and cultures. 
  •  To teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace. 


The Board of Trustees delegates to the Principal the following powers and responsibilities, subject to accurate scheduled reports:  
  • The day to day curriculum and resource management of the school and the achievement of the Government’s key achievement areas and requirements as specified in official educational policy documents.  
  • The implementation of any other requirements specified by Act of Parliament, the Secretary of Education, any other permanent head of a Government department and for individual and collective employment contracts.  
  • Approval of any orders for goods and services in the annual budget and provided such an expense will not exceed the Board approved budget allocation for the expenditure item involved.  
  • Transfers between school amounts.  
  • Ordering fixed assets for which the capital expenditure has the prior approval of the Board.  
  • The appointment of long term relieving and casual staff, provided such appointment is within the budget allocation for this particular person, and provided this delegation is not given to any other staff member. Day-to-day relief is allocated to the AP.  
  • Communication with parents, officials, representatives of educational organisations, and other firms and organisations with whom the Principal deals as part of their curriculum and resource management responsibilities.  
  • Delegation in writing to specified staff positions of responsibilities   
  • Interviews with the media and distribution of media releases on any matter which involves the school. 
 Success Indicators for this requirement at St Joseph’s school include: 
  • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the Catholic faith and teachings, and effective approaches to religious education and learning outcomes 
  • Provides spiritual leadership to the staff and pupils by modelling appropriate behaviours and encouraging these in others 
  • Ensures adherence to Church teachings and traditions by monitoring and facilitating religious education and practice within the school 
Student Improvement Goal: 
Goal ATo encourage increased engagement and commitment to learning with a particular focus on our Pasifika students.  
School Improvement Goals 
Goal BTo manage the challenge of staffing the school appropriately as a result of a decreasing school roll.  
Goal CTo effectively manage the development of the new classroom block (Quality Learning Environment) and related issues. 

The Board will support Ursula in her own personal learning and development which will be focused on extending her educational expertise and achieving the school’s strategic goals and will include: 
  • Performance Appraisal (Dave McDonald, Capability Plus) 
  • Participating in a Professional Learning Community 
  • Membership of the South Auckland Catholic Community of Learners 
  • The St Joseph's School Professional Learning & Development Programme including: 
    • Community of Learning PLD: add areas 
    • Mathematics - DMIC 
    • Digital Technologies Curriculum – MOE funded 
    • Collaborative Practice – MOE funded 
    • Religious Education – 12 hours 
  • Membership of the Franklin Primary  Principals' Association (FPA), the Auckland Catholic Primary Principals’ Association(ACPPA) and Auckland Primary Principals' Association (APPA)   
  • Attendance at appropriate conferences, seminars and/or workshops in order to keep informed of current educational trends, Catholic Character and Ministry of Education and ERO requirements  
  • Professional Reading and appropriate Virtual Learning Communities 

Appendix I

Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership

Demonstrate commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Understand and recognise the unique status of tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand.
·        Understand and acknowledge the histories, heritages, languages and cultures of partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
·        Practise and develop the use of te reo and tikanga Maori.

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:
·        Teachers in Catholic schools understand and are committed to the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the commitment of the Catholic Church to bi-culturalism.
·        Teachers in Catholic schools deepen their understanding of Māori spirituality and incorporate it into their teaching of Religious Education and spirituality.

Professional learning

Use inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Inquire into and reflect of the effectiveness of practice in an ongoing way, using evidence from a range of sources
·        Critically examine how my own assumptions and beliefs, including cultural beliefs, impact on practice and the achievement of learners with different abilities and needs, backgrounds, genders, identities, languages and cultures.
·        Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice.
·        Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners, including learners with disabilities and learning support needs; and wider education matters.
·        Seek and respond to feedback from learners, colleagues and other education professionals, and engage in collaborative problem-solving and learning-focused collegial discussions

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:

  •   Teachers in Catholic schools critically assess and reflect upon all policies, procedures, practices and professional attitudes in light of their commitment to the Gospel and Catholic teaching.
  •  Teachers in Catholic schools apply knowledge of the Gospels and Church teaching to the values, pedagogy, practices and relationships of the school community.
  •  Teachers in Catholic schools undertake professional learning formation and qualifications appropriate to their role so as to deepen their own personal growth in knowledge of Catholic Theology, Scripture, Spirituality, Catholic Special Character and Religious Education, and to strengthen their ability to promote and enhance the Special Character of the school.

Professional relationships

Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and well-being of each learner.

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Engage in reciprocal collaborative learning-focused relationships with:
ü  Learners, family and whanau
ü  teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals
ü  agencies, groups and individuals in the community.
·        Communicate effectively with others.
·        Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility.
·        Communicate clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:

  • Teachers in Catholic schools maintain collaborative relationships within the school, with parish leaders, the school chaplain and other Church organisations, such as the diocesan Catholic Education Office
  • Teachers in Catholic schools promote faith-based leadership to effectively shape the school’s vision and direction, so as to ensure a genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ, for ākonga.
  • Teachers in Catholic schools engage in practices to ensure that the school has ways to assess the impact it has on the growth in faith of ākonga.

Learning-focused culture

Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Develop learning-focused relationships with learners, enabling them to be active participants in the process of learning, sharing ownership and responsibility for learning.
·        Foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among learners so that they experience an environment in which it is safe to take risks.
·        Demonstrate high expectations for the learning outcomes of all learners, including those learners with disabilities or learning support needs.
·        Manage the learning setting to ensure access to learning for all and to maximise learners’ physical, social, cultural and emotional safety.
·        Create an environment where learners can be confident in their identities, languages, cultures and abilities.
·        Develop an environment where diversity and uniqueness of all learners are accepted and valued
·        Meet relevant regulatory, statutory and professional requirements.

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:

  • Teachers in Catholic schools work to promote and enhance a Religious Education programme which is given high status, is soundly managed, appropriately resourced, and professionally delivered by qualified staff.
  • Teachers in Catholic schools actively contribute to programmes that promote a Catholic worldview that is integrated into the daily practices of the school and into all curriculum areas. 
  • Teachers in Catholic schools comply with all of the relevant regulatory and statutory requirements stipulated by New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and / or which derive from Part 33 of the 1989 Education Act.

Design for learning

Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identity, language and cultures.

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Select teaching approaches, resources and learning and assessment activities based on a thorough knowledge of curriculum content, pedagogy, progressions in learning and the learners.
·        Gather, analyse and use appropriate assessment information, identifying progress and needs of learners to design clear next steps in learning and to identify additional supports or adaptations that may be required.
·        Design and plan culturally responsive, evidenced-based approaches that reflect the local community and Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in New Zealand.
·        Harness the rich capital that learners bring by providing culturally responsive and engaging contexts for learners.
·        Design learning that is informed by national policies and priorities.

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:

  • Teachers in Catholic schools design and facilitate programmes that promote a genuine and ongoing encounter with Christ as an essential function of the Catholic school, and develop the progression from encounter, to growth in knowledge and to Christian witness, which is the framework of the disciple’s journey.
  • Teachers in Catholic schools promote a culture that assists in the understanding of what the integration of faith and life means from a Catholic perspective.


Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.

Elaboration of the Standard:
·        Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making sufficient progress, and monitor the extent and pace of learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all.
·        Specifically support the educational aspirations for Maori learners, taking shared responsibility for these learners to achieve educational success as Maori.
·        Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify these in response to the needs of individuals and groups of learners.
·        Provide opportunities and support for learners to engage with, practise and apply learning to different contexts and make connections with prior learning.
·        Teach in ways that enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate, to self-regulate and to develop agency over their learning.
·        Ensure learners receive ongoing feedback and assessment information and support them to use this information to guide further learning.

Further Elaborations for Catholic Schools:

  • Teachers in Catholic schools support the school, which through its practices and communication, facilitates an encounter with Christ and spreads the Good News to both churched and unchurched members of the community.
  • Teachers in Catholic schools ensure that all resources, including e-resources, used in the teaching and learning programme for RE, and in other areas as appropriate (e.g. Health, Social Sciences, Science) are in line with the key teachings of the Catholic Church.

Appendix II

Other Professional Criteria specified in the Primary Principals' Collective Employment Agreement 2013-15

The Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement 2013-15 outlines a career progression for principals who meet these service and professional criteria:


Beginning Principal
Developing Principal
Experienced Principal
Leading Principal
< 3 years
A minimum of 3 years continuous service as a primary or area school principal.
A minimum of 6 years continuous service as a primary or area school principal and meets the requirements of Developing Principal.
A minimum of 9 years continuous service as a primary or area school principal and meets the requirements of Developing and Experienced Principal.

Other Professional Criteria:

Student Outcomes: Assessment and evaluation data is used to maximise student learning for all students and trend data shows continuing growth in student learning

School Management: School policies are in place and are regularly reviewed. Resources are aligned to strategic goals

Community and Networks: Trust is built between home and school to positively influence student learning and engagement.

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