Sunday, 1 September 2019

DMIC staff meeting with Trevor Bills (Massey University)

2 September 2019

Trevor reinforced things that, in my eyes, complemented the Numeracy Programme.
Looked at length of lesson and process. Really pleased that seniors do one hour!
Went over Talk Moves: What a teacher does/Benefit of the Move/Might Sound Like
- Revoicing, Repeating, Reasoning, Adding On, Waiting (turn & talk).

Teachers went through the Communication and Participation Framework (Roberta Hunter): Teacher actions to engage students in mathematical practices.
- Developing conceptual explanations including using the problem context to mak explanation experientially real
- Active listening and questioning for sense-making of a mathematical explanation.
Do you need to ask a question? No, so can you explain the process? No, then you have a question.
I don't have a question but what questions could I ask? Who else was thinking that way?
- Collaborative support and responsibility for the reasoning of all group members: use core Pasifika values
- Developing justification and mathematical argument
- Developing representing as part of exploring and making connections - communication and justification
- Developing the use of mathematical language
- Developing generalisation: representing a mathematical relationship in more general terms. Looking for rules and relationships. Connecting, extending, reconciling.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

The digital curriculum

Students showing me their project which they produced using Makey Makey coding, their information being read off their chrome books.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Attended Tapasa Workshop on 5th June with DP, AP, and Y3/4 Team Leader at PIS

Unpacked cultural competencies framework. tapasa = compass.
Characteristics of a good teacher p7

Back at school, 25 June, DP ran a staff meeting where staff were introduced to the Tapasa document. Teachers identified themselves against the Framework: Turi 1-3.
Discussed scenarios and related experiences back to our situations.
How do we involve Pasifika parents more here?
Listed individual aspirations to meeting doc.

Unpacking Tapasa

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

07 May 2019

Attended NZLS CLE: Education Law update at Ellerslie Event Centre - MC Gretchen Stone
Topics covered were:
  • Adjusting to Change - tomorrow's schools
  • Employment law
    • major changes - practical guidance
    • the role of the Board and Principal - case update
  • Management and Governance - the potential for conflicts of interest
  • Teaching Council Update
  • Students – the unprecedented expansion in the range of issues facing schools
  • Managing interactions with parents and guardians
The day's programme and presenters attached 

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Met with Leadership Team to consult about current situation regarding staffing for 2020 based on 1st March Returns.